5 Important security measures to lower the risk of employee data theft

January 11, 2022 By admin

A BPO deals with a huge amount of client data. Protecting this data is essential for the BPO to survive. Data theft is the theft of a company’s intellectual property or theft of company’s relevant information. Data theft is a huge problem that is faced by the BPOs nowadays. In order to protect data the BPOs are spending huge amount of money. They are installing high-end software and security mechanisms to ensure data safety and security. Some of the most important measures to prevent data thefts include:

5 Important Security Measures

  • Install Active firewall systems: To safegaurd your confidential information it is advised to install a advanced security system. This security system will help you to protect your data from malwares and other security threats.
  • Restrict server access :The server may be having the secured and confidential data that can not be trespassed by any individuals either from the team or the man doing interal attacks. Hence, advice to implement proven security measures to restrict server access for every one.
  • Restrict use of USB mass storage devices: USB removable disks in the forms of small disks, external hard drives that come enclosed in cases, card readers, cameras, mobile phones, portable media players, and more are the devices in which data can be carried easily. Hence, USB restriction mode is adviseable for your BPO, which helps you to prevent issues like data loss and any complex security issues.
  • Protect your mails: Mails should be protected by cleaning properly and frequently, in order to prevent spam emails and harmful messages that might cause to steal your confidential data – clients’ intellectual properties, contracts, strategies, trade secrets, and personal information.
  • Always monitor and check the security camera footage: Install security cameras can add next-level security to your company’s efforts to monitor every employee and other secured areas, especially the areas where secure and confidential data is aligned. If any unusual activity does occur on the premises, the video footage can be a shred of evidence.

Data should be protected, since data is the most important and integral part of an organization if data is stolen then company will be at risk. You should provide the necessary security measures to prevent data theft and other security hacks.